Opening Hours: 8am - 4pm
Tel: 4163288 ext 220
When a patient calls the clinic with a health concern, a triage nurse will be available to assess your concern with the use of the website
Based on the severity of the concern, the triage nurse will determine the urgency level and follow up actions.
Follow-up actions include:
• Telephone advice by the triage nurse (which will also be approved by the GP)
• Telephone consultation by the GP
• Physical consultation by the GP
• Ambulance services
Appointments for a telephone consultation with a GP can be done each day by calling before 10 am, if a person calls after 10 am the appointment will be set for the next day.
Please note should you wish to speak to a specific doctor, they may not be working that same day which could also result in a next-day call.
Chronic care clinics (Hypertension, Diabetes, Cardiovascular, and COPD)
To be able to be seen in these clinics, you must first be seen by the GP and get a referral for the chronic care clinic.
Pregnancy clinic
Dr. Willemijn mainly handles these patients and usually sees them in the afternoons for a 30-minute time. The GP themself makes these appointments for the patient and informs them of the appointment. Many times, they are also referred to the gynecologist for checkups in between their visits with them.
Visiting specialists (Dermatology, Cardiology, Orthopedic Surgeon, Oncology, Prosthetic Specialist, Dietician, Ophthalmology, Urology, Gynecology, and Pediatrics)
To be able to get on the list for one of these clinics, one must be seen by the GP and obtain a referral to the visiting specialist. Once added to the waitlist, you will be seen by the specialist on the level of urgency. The Medical Secretary and Physician Assistant will make the lists and hand them over to the doctors who then decide who will be seen during that visit. Most specialists visit every month, while the others come every other month.
For off-island referrals, the patients must first see their house doctor about their concerns. The house doctor then makes a referral letter and inserts a task in Promedico for the Clinic Assistant or Physician Assistant to enter the referral into Hecina. After the Clinic Assistant or Physician Assistant will print a copy of the referral letter on the foundation's letterhead so that the patient can have a hard copy as proof.
Once entered in Hecina, ZJCN then takes over the task and arranges the appointment with the requested specialist and the necessary logistics. ZJCN is then responsible for contacting the patient about their appointment and logistics from thereon.